



To install our webpage as an application on your mobile device's home screen, follow these general steps:

For Android:

  1. Open the web browser (e.g., Chrome).
  2. Go to the webpage you want to install.
  3. Tap the three-dot menu (usually at the top-right corner).
  4. Select "Add to Home screen" or a similar option.
  5. You can customize the name of the app if prompted.
  6. Tap "Add" or "Add to Home."

For iOS (iPhone or iPad):

  1. Open the Safari browser.
  2. Go to the webpage you want to install.
  3. Tap the Share button (usually at the bottom center).
  4. Scroll down and select "Add to Home Screen."
  5. You can customize the name of the app if prompted.
  6. Tap "Add" (top-right corner).

Please note that the exact steps might vary slightly depending on the browser or device you're using.

For Desktop Users:

For Chrome:

For Edge:

All the content posted here is provided by YouTube using YouTube API v3.
We do not hold any copyright of the content posted here. No file is hosted on the server of YouTube, Videos and Music Sharing. All material is served from the YouTube Server.
YouTube is the registered trademark of YouTube LLC, a subsidiary of Google.

Ads on embedded videos.
Embedded videos may show In-stream and InVideo overlay ads. Any website that embeds videos, including our own website, may generate revenue for you.

Revenue sharing for embedded videos.
Only YouTube and the video owner will earn revenue from ads on embedded videos; the site owner where the video is embedded will not earn a share. You can track earnings for embedded videos in AdSense, as you would for videos earning revenue on

If you don't want to show your embedded videos, you may disable your videos for embedding altogether.
(c) 2016 Greca TV. Theme images by fpm. Powered by Blogger.