

AronChupa - I'm an Albatraoz (Official Music Video) - YouTube

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Published on Oct 13, 2014
New Song Out Now:

Official Video for AronChupa’s “I’m an Albatraoz”.
Directed by Aron Ekberg and Sertac Yildizhan.
Produced by Jessica Fee, Sean Graham and Patrick Heinemann.
Edited by Jacob Englund.
Starring and vocals by Nora Ekberg

Starts off with some french dude speaking, have no clue what he is saying but it sounds cool…

Vers 1
Let me tell you all a story about a mouse named Lorry
Yeah, Lorry was a mouse in a big brown house
She called herself the hoe, with the money money flow
But fuck that little mouse cuz I’m an Albatraoz

Vers 2
Yeah Lorry said she was a mouse, smoked that cheesn’ like a baoz
Monilie money money hoe, chinka chinka chingka-flow
Lorry was a witch, yeah a sneaky little bitch
So fuck that little mouse cuz I’m an Albatraoz
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