

IOWA at Maximilian's. "Real Russia" ep.118 (4K) - YouTube

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IOWA at Maximilians. Real Russia ep.118 (4K) - YouTube

IOWA at Maximilian's. "Real Russia" ep.118 (4K)

Published on Nov 16, 2015
IOWA on YouTube -

Iowa is a music band (trio) from the city of Mogilev, Belarus. Currently, since 2009, living and working in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Nowadays, one of the top music bands in Russia.

Members: Ekaterina Ivanchikova, Leonid Tereschenko and Vasily Bulanov.

The name IOWA is a reference to the music album Iowa by American metal band Slipknot: early in her career, vocalist Ekaterina Ivanchikova experimented with heavy music and was nicknamed after the Iowa album. Another interpretation of the name is that it comes from the American idiom IOWA (Idiots Out Wandering Around). It also has a direct bearing on the state of Iowa, where many people are farmers and all the shops close early, so the people who live there have no choice but to hang around and find entertainment elsewhere.

At the 12th of November, 2015, the band performed at Maximilian's.

Maximilian's is one of the most popular places in the city of Ufa, Russia, located at Dmitry Mendeleev street, building 137.

This is the biggest in the Volga region restaurant and brewery named after Bavarian prince Maximilian, following traditions of German beer making.

Besides that, this is one of the greatest concert scenes in Ufa, Russia, where every evenining there perform not only the best music bands of Ufa, but at least once a week, a top artists of Russia, like Iowa and others.
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