

David Archuleta - My Little Prayer - #LIGHTtheWORLD - YouTube

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David Archuleta

Published on Dec 8, 2016
My Little Prayer

Written by David Archuleta
Archie Songs (ASCAP)

Video directed by Cameron Gade

Produced / mixed by Leo-Z

Leo-Z: Piano, Keyboards, Cymbals, Backing Vocals
Miles Jay: Upright Bass
Artyom Manukyan: Cello
Michelle Jade: Violin

Something I try to do to each day is begin by saying a prayer in the morning, and then end my day with a prayer at night. Sometimes, however, I fall asleep before I say my nightly prayer. One time almost a year ago I had one of these nights where I fell asleep before saying a prayer. Something unusual happened.

That night I had a dream. It was different than anything I had experiences before. In my dream I was praying-having a conversation with God. The conversation was also different. I was singing. I could hear simple chords in my dream that I was laying a simple melody and prayer on top of.

As I was having this conversation in music with God, He told me to get up and write this down. I thought and said, "...but... I'm sleeping. I'm not sure I know how to get up from a dream!" He told me "if you don't get up now, you'll forget it in the morning." I tried everything I could to wake up, and I did! There in the middle of the night I went straight to the piano with the words and melody I had spoken in my dream still clear in my head, and wrote it all down. It was the fastest I had ever written a song because I feel this one was given to me.

I've sung this song several times this year now and people kept asking where to find it so I felt it would be good to share it during this Holiday season. I hope you enjoy it and find encouragement to begin your own simple and sincere conversations in prayer! #mylittleprayer #prayer#christmas

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